Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Variadic templates and all that stuff

In general, we mean by any concept nothing more than a set of operations; the concept is synonymous with a corresponding set of operations.

-- Percy Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, paper

The last year or so I've drifted towards using variadic templates, tuples and meta function in my day to day programming. It's not clear if this is a good thing or not, but the reality is that it's fun and I continuously find new ways of solving old problems. Ones in a while I also find elegant ways of solving new problems using variadic templates, tuples and meta programming techniques.

This entry is about a small collection of functions which I tend to use regularly.

Downloading the code

The code from this entry and some of the previous entries can be retrieved from:

A few examples before starting to code

Here is an example showing basic printing of a tuple:

// create a tuple and print it
auto tu=std::make_tuple(1,"Hello",string("world"));

The result is: [1 Hello world ]

Sometimes it's also useful to print the types of tuples elements:

auto z1=make_tuple(1,"hello",2,std::plus<int>());

The result is: (std::tuple<int, char const*, int, std::plus<int> >)

Another way to print the element types, avoiding printing the tuple type is as follows:

auto z2=std::make_tuple(1,"hello",2,std::plus<int>());

The result is: [(int) (char const*) (int) (std::plus<int>) ]

The function transform_tuple is a function, I'll get to later, which generates a new tuple by applying a function object to each one of the tuples elements.

Another type of example folds the tuple into a single value:

auto c=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5,6);
cout<<"six factorial: "<<foldl_tuple(multiplies<int>(),c)<<endl;

The result is: six factorial: 720.

Clearly any binary function can be used. For example, a function which stringifies it's parameters and concatenates them or a function adding two values often comes handy.

Sometimes its useful to rearrange elements in a tuple. For example, say we want to create a tuple which have element 5 first and element 2 last:

auto z3=make_tuple(0,1,2,3,4);
cout<<"rearanged tuple: "<<transform_tuple(indlist<4,0,1,3,2>(),z3)<<endl;

The result is: rearranged tuple: [4 0 1 3 2 ]

The indlist is a template struct which will be part in one way or another of most of the tools in this blog entry.

Before getting started with implementations I'll give a code sample of a very powerful idea. The example below shows how a tuple can be chopped up into individual types and passed as a set of arguments to a function:

// add tuple elements together
auto z5=make_tuple(1,2.3,7);

The output is: 10.3.

The type adder is a utility struct (which I'll show later) calculating the sum of its' input arguments.

The indlist type

It turns out that a compile time list of integers is very helpful when manipulating tuples. An indlist is a simple struct defined as:

template<std::size_t...i>struct indlist{};

With indlists it's possible to manipulate tuple elements in pretty amazing ways. So before starting to make use of indlists let's develop a few tools for managing them. First I need to be able to create indlists. A straight forward way is to write something like:

using IL=indlist<0,4>;

It will become tedious to always manually create them by enumerating integers. Instead I want create a couple of utilities for creating them based on some patterns. Before doing this I'll create two meta functions :

// push front an index to an indlist
template<std::size_t a,typename IL>struct push_front;
template<std::size_t a,size_t...i>
struct push_front<a,indlist<i...>>{
  using type=indlist<a,i...>;
// push back an index to an indlist
template<std::size_t a,typename IL>struct push_back;
template<std::size_t a,size_t...i>
struct push_back<a,indlist<i...>>{
  using type=indlist<i...,a>;

Now it's easy to define a few indlist creation functions:

// make an indlist from [start ... end]
template<std::size_t start,std::size_t end>
struct make_indlist_from_range{
  using type=typename push_front<start,typename make_indlist_from_range<start+1,end>::type>::type;
template<std::size_t i>
struct make_indlist_from_range<i,i>{
  using type=indlist<i>;
// make an indlist with N elements of value V
template<std::size_t N,std::size_t V>
struct make_uniform_indlist{
  using type=typename push_back<V,typename make_uniform_indlist<N-1,V>::type>::type;
template<std::size_t V>
struct make_uniform_indlist<0,V>{
  using type=indlist<>;
// make an indlist from a tuple
template<typename Tuple>struct make_indlist_from_tuple;
struct make_indlist_from_tuple<std::tuple<Args...>>{
  using type=typename make_indlist_from_range<0,sizeof...(Args)-1>::type;
struct make_indlist_from_tuple<std::tuple<>>{
  using type=indlist<>;

Some readers may have seen other ways of constructing indlists. For example, it is possible to construct an indlist as follows:

// indlist
template<std::size_t...i>struct indlist{};

// make an indlist from [start ... end]
template<std::size_t endind,std::size_t ind,std::size_t...i>
struct indlist_builder:indlist_builder<endind,ind+1,i...,ind>{
template<std::size_t endind,std::size_t...i>
struct indlist_builder<endind,endind,i...>{
  using type=indlist<i...,endind>;
template<std::size_t start,size_t end>
struct make_indlist_from_range{
  using type=typename indlist_builder<end,start>::type;

Manipulating indlists

Now that we know how to create indlists it's time to code up a few tools for manipulating them. The tools will come in handy later on so it's not a bad idea to have them ready. I've already coded push_front and push_back. Before coding the related a few more push functions together with and pop functions I'll code a helper function reversing an indlist:

// reverse an indlist (re-use push_back)
template<std::size_t i,size_t...j>
struct reverse<indlist<i,j...>>{
  using R=typename reverse<indlist<j...>>::type;
  using type=typename push_back<i,R>::type;
struct reverse<indlist<>>{
  using type=indlist<>;

It's now easy to code the push and pop functions:

// pop front index from indlist
template<typename IL>struct pop_front;
template<std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
struct pop_front<indlist<i,j...>>{
  using type=indlist<j...>;
// pop back element from indlist
// (reverse, pop front, reverse)
template<typename IL>
struct pop_back{
  using R0=typename reverse<IL>::type;
  using R1=typename pop_front<R0>::type;
  using type=typename reverse<R1>::type;
// pop n elements from front
template<std::size_t N,typename IL>
struct popn_front{
  using TMP=typename pop_front<IL>::type;
  using type=typename popn_front<N-1,TMP>::type;
template<typename IL>
struct popn_front<0,IL>{
  using type=IL;
// pop n elements from back
template<std::size_t N,typename IL>
struct popn_back{
  using TMP=typename pop_back<IL>::type;
  using type=typename popn_back<N-1,TMP>::type;
template<typename IL>
struct popn_back<0,IL>{
  using type=IL;

By now it should be clear that I've not always coded the most efficient solution. Since compilation of meta programming code often generates obscure error messages I prefer code which is simple to read.

A predicate which can be used with std::enable_if is sometimes useful when we want to enable a function to be used only for indlists:

// check if a type is an indlist
template<typename T>struct is_indlist:std::false_type{};
template<std::size_t...i>struct is_indlist<indlist<i...>>:std::true_type{};

I'll also add (unrelated to is_indlist) a predicate for checking if a type is a tuple:

// check if a type is a tuple;
template<typename T>struct is_tuple:std::false_type{};
template<typename...T>struct is_tuple<std::tuple<T...>>:std::true_type{};

For debugging purposes printing an indlist is indispensable:

// print an indlist object
template<std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
  return os<<i<<" "<<indlist<j...>();
  return os;

Below are a couple of other useful meta functions:

// get size of an indlist
template<typename IL>struct size;
struct size<indlist<i...>>{
  static std::size_t const value=sizeof...(i);
// get first element as an indlist
template<typename IL>struct front;
template<std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
struct front<indlist<i,j...>>{
  using type=indlist<i>;
// get last element as an indlist
template<typename IL>
struct back{
  using R=typename reverse<IL>::type;
  using type=typename front<R>::type;
// get first N elements as an indlist
template<std::size_t N,typename IL>
struct firstn{
  using type=typename popn_back<size<IL>::value-N,IL>::type;
// get last N elements as an indlist
template<std::size_t N,typename IL>
struct lastn{
  using R1=typename reverse<IL>::type;
  using R2=typename firstn<N,R1>::type;
  using type=typename reverse<R2>::type;
// get an element as a size_t gven the index
template<std::size_t IND,typename IL>struct get;
template<std::size_t IND,std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
struct get<IND,indlist<i,j...>>{
  static constexpr std::size_t value=get<IND-1,indlist<j...>>::value;
template<std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
struct get<0,indlist<i,j...>>{
  static constexpr std::size_t value=i;
// append an indlist to another indlist
template<typename IL1,typename IL2>struct append;
template<typename IL1,std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
struct append<IL1,indlist<i,j...>>{
  using type=typename append<typename push_back<i,IL1>::type,indlist<j...>>::type;
template<typename IL1>
struct append<IL1,indlist<>>{
  using type=IL1;

A few esoteric indlist functions

Just to show how easy it is (and also just because we can) here are a few more – not so useful – meta functions:

// get a slice of an indlist
template<std::size_t IND,std::size_t LEN,typename IL>
struct slice{
  using IL1=typename popn_front<IND,IL>::type;
  using type=typename popn_back<size<IL1>::value-LEN,IL1>::type;
// reverse elements starting from I and N elements forward
template<std::size_t IND,std::size_t N,typename IL>
struct reverse_slice{
  using IL_LEFT=typename slice<0,IND,IL>::type;
  using IL_MID=typename slice<IND,N,IL>::type;
  using IL_RIGHT=typename slice<IND+N,size<IL>::value-(IND+N),IL>::type;
  using IL_MID_R=typename reverse<IL_MID>::type;
  using A=typename append<IL_LEFT,IL_MID_R>::type;
  using type=typename append<A,IL_RIGHT>::type;
// rotate an indlist left N steps
template<std::size_t N,typename IL>
struct rotate_left{
  using R1=typename slice<0,N,typename reverse_slice<0,N,IL>::type>::type;
  using R2=typename slice<N,size<IL>::value-N,typename reverse_slice<N,size<IL>::value-N,IL>::type>::type;
  using A=typename append<R1,R2>::type;
  using type=typename reverse<A>::type;
// add +1 to each index in indlist
template<typename IL>struct add1;
template<std::size_t i,std::size_t...j>
struct add1<indlist<i,j...>>{
  using type=typename push_front<i+1,typename add1<indlist<j...>>::type>::type;
struct add1<indlist<>>{
  using type=indlist<>;
// fold list to an int with a binary meta function (taking two ints)
//                  foldl1 f [x]      = x
//                  foldl1 f (x:y:xs) = foldl1 f (f x y : xs)
template<template<std::size_t,std::size_t>class FBIN,typename IL>struct foldl_indlist2int;
template<template<std::size_t,std::size_t>class FBIN,std::size_t i,std::size_t j>
struct foldl_indlist2int<FBIN,indlist<i,j>>{
  constexpr static std::size_t value=FBIN<i,j>::value;
template<template<std::size_t,std::size_t>class FBIN,std::size_t i,std::size_t j,std::size_t...k>
struct foldl_indlist2int<FBIN,indlist<i,j,k...>>{
  constexpr static std::size_t value=foldl_indlist2int<FBIN,indlist<FBIN<i,j>::value,k...>>::value;

That's it for functions managing indlists. At this point it should be easy to write other customised indlist functions.

Putting indlists to work – the basics

One of the work horses when dealing with tuples is a function which takes a callable object and a tuple as parameters. The function passes the tuple elements to the function as a list of arguments:

// dummy meta function returning 'return type' for 'apply_tuple_with_indlist'
template<typename IL,typename F,typename T>struct apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret;
template<std::size_t...i,typename F,typename T>
struct apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<indlist<i...>,F,T>{
  using type=typename std::result_of<F(decltype(std::get<i>(std::forward<T>(std::declval<T>())))...)>::type;
// pass tuple to a function taking list of arguments (controll which args and the order using indlist)
template<std::size_t...i,typename F,typename T,typename R=typename apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<indlist<i...>,F,T>::type>
constexpr auto apply_tuple_with_indlist(indlist<i...>const&,F f,T&&tu)->R
  return f(std::get<i>(std::forward<T>(tu))...);

Notice that the apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret only serves the purpose of evaluating the return type.

A simple application of the function is to create a new tuple from an old one by picking elements from the tuple. Given the function maketuple:

// create a tuple from a list of args (not same as make_tuple - this is a structure)
struct maketuple{
  constexpr std::tuple<T...>operator()(T&&...t){
    return std::tuple<T...>(std::forward<T>(t)...);

I can do the following :

// create a tuple with elements in reverse order
auto ttu1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5);
using IL2=make_indlist_from_tuple<decltype(ttu1)>::type;

The output is: [5 4 3 2 1 ]

Another application is to shave off or add elements to a tuple. For instance, say I want to pop the first element of a tuple:

// pop first element of a tuple
auto ttu1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5);
using IL2=make_indlist_from_tuple<decltype(ttu1)>::type;

The output is: [2 3 4 5 ]

I can simplify the use of apply_tuple_with_indlist by directly passing a meta function as a parameter:

// transformation of a tuple to another tuple
// (template template parameter can be 'reverse', 'pop_front', ... but must transform an indlist)
template<template<class>class FIT,
         typename T,
         typename TD=typename std::decay<T>::type,
         typename IL=typename make_indlist_from_tuple<TD>::type,
         typename IR=typename FIT<IL>::type,
         typename F=maketuple,
         typename R=typename apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<IR,F,T>::type>
constexpr R transform_tuple(T&&t){
  return apply_tuple_with_indlist(IR(),F(),std::forward<T>(t));

Now I can simply write the previous reverse examples as:

// reverse tuple elements
auto ttu1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5);

Of course I can also create a genuine utility function for reversing tuples as:

// reverse tuple (utility function)
template<typename T,
         typename TD=typename std::decay<T>::type,
         typename IL=typename make_indlist_from_tuple<TD>::type,
         typename IR=typename reverse<IL>::type,
         typename F=maketuple,
         typename R=typename apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<IR,F,T>::type>
constexpr R reverse_tuple(T&&t){
  return apply_tuple_with_indlist(IR(),F(),std::forward<T>(t));

Continuing along the same lines I'll create utility functions for popping elements off a tuple:

// pop front
template<std::size_t N,typename T,
         typename F=maketuple,
         typename TD=typename std::decay<T>::type,
         typename IL=typename popn_front<N,typename make_indlist_from_tuple<TD>::type>::type,
         typename R=typename apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<IL,F,T>::type>
constexpr auto popn_front_tuple(T&&t)->R{
  return apply_tuple_with_indlist(IL(),F(),std::forward<T>(t));
// pop back
template<std::size_t N,typename T,
         typename F=maketuple,
         typename TD=typename std::decay<T>::type,
         typename IL=typename popn_back<N,typename make_indlist_from_tuple<TD>::type>::type,
         typename R=typename apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<IL,F,T>::type>
constexpr auto popn_back_tuple(T&&t)->R{
  return apply_tuple_with_indlist(IL(),F(),std::forward<T>(t));

An example is shown here:

// pop 2 elements from fron of tuple
auto a1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4);
cout<<"popn_front<2>: "<<popn_front_tuple<2>(a1)<<endl;

The result is: popn_front: [3 4 ]

So far I've exploded a tuple into elements before passing the elements to the function. Sometimes it may be useful to call a function by passing a list of arguments directly but controlling the order in which the arguments are passed to the function. Or, picking the arguments we want to forward to the function. The code looks lie:

// pass list of types to a function (control order of arguments to F with an 'indlist')
template<std::size_t...i,typename F,typename...T,
         typename IL=indlist<i...>,
         typename TU=std::tuple<T...>,
         typename R=typename apply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<IL,F,TU>::type>
constexpr auto apply_with_indlist(IL,F f,T&&...t)->R
  // cannot have more than one statement here (won't compile: gcc4.8 ?)
  return apply_tuple_with_indlist(IL(),f,TU{std::forward<T>(t)...});

For example:

// test function for tuple
struct PrintNValues{
  void operator()(T&&...t){
    auto tu=make_tuple(std::forward<T>(t)...);
// call a function by reversing arguments
using IL8=make_indlist_from_range<0,5>::type;

The output is: [5 4 3 2 1 0 ]

Applying a tuple element- function before calling a function

It's convenient to apply an element specific function to a tuple element before forwarding the transformed element to a function. This is easily done as follows:

// dummy meta function returning 'return type' for 'fapply_tuple_with_indlist'
template<typename IL,typename F,typename FX,typename T>struct fapply_tuple_with_indlist_ret;
template<std::size_t...i,typename F,typename FX,typename T>
struct fapply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<indlist<i...>,F,FX,T>{
  using type=decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<FX>()(std::get<i>(std::forward<T>(std::declval<T>())))...));
// pass tuple to a function taking list of FX(arguments) (controll which args and the order using indlist)
template<std::size_t...i,typename F,typename FX,typename T,typename R=typename fapply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<indlist<i...>,F,FX,T>::type>
constexpr auto fapply_tuple_with_indlist(indlist<i...>const&,F f,FX fx,T&&tu)->R
  return f(fx(std::get<i>(std::forward<T>(tu)))...);

I'll use this function when implementing a function which transforms each element in a tuple and returns a new transformed tuple:

// transform a tuple by applying a function to each element
// (may return a tuple having different element types)
template<typename FX,typename T,
         typename ISCALL=typename std::enable_if<is_callable<FX>::value>::type,
         typename TD=typename std::decay<T>::type,
         typename IL=typename make_indlist_from_tuple<TD>::type,
         typename R=typename fapply_tuple_with_indlist_ret<IL,maketuple,FX,T>::type>
auto transform_tuple(FX fx,T&&t)->R{
    return fapply_tuple_with_indlist(IL(),maketuple(),fx,std::forward<T>(t));

where is_callable is implemented as:

// check if a type is callable
template<typename T>
struct is_callable {
    typedef char(&yes)[1];
    typedef char(&no)[2];
    struct fallback{void operator()();};
    struct derived:T,fallback{};
    template<typename U,U>struct check;
    template<typename>static yes test(...);
    template<typename C>static no test(check<void(fallback::*)(),&C::operator()>*);
    static const bool value =sizeof(test<derived>(0))==sizeof(yes);

Here is an example multiplying each element in the tuple by 2 generating a new tuple:

  // transform each element in a tuple generating a new tuple
  auto z7=make_tuple(1,2,3,4);
  cout<<"mulyiply by 2: "<<transform_tuple([](int val){return val*2;},z7)<<endl;

The output is: mulyiply by 2: [2 4 6 8 ]

Applying a function on each tuple element one at a time

A reoccurring task when programming with tuples is to apply a function to each element of the tuple. This is easily accomplished as:

// pass each element of a tuple to a function (control call order using 'indlist')
template<std::size_t i,std::size_t...j,typename F,typename T>
constexpr void apply_tuple_ntimes_with_indlist(indlist<i,j...>const&,F f,T&&tu)
template<typename F,typename T>
constexpr void apply_tuple_ntimes_with_indlist(indlist<>const&,F f,T&&tu){

The following snippet prints the tuple elements in reverse order, one on each line:

// print 1 value
struct Print1Value{
  template<typename T>
  void operator()(T&&t){cout<<t<<endl;}
// call a function for each element in a tuple in reverse order
auto z6=make_tuple(1,2,"three");
using IL6=make_indlist_from_tuple<decltype(z6)>::type;

The output is:

Folding a tuple

Folding a tuple can be done in a neat and elegant way. The code I not so pleasing to the eye but is pretty straight forward. Most likely the code should be refactored into a more readable form. Being too lazy I'll keep this brute force implementation:

// fold a a tuple (binary function)
// (truly horrific syntax)
struct foldl_tuple_helper{
  template<typename F,typename T,typename U,typename...V,
           typename TU=std::tuple<T,U,V...>,
           typename FRONT=decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::get<0>(std::declval<TU>()),std::get<1>(std::declval<TU>()))),
           typename TAIL=decltype(popn_front_tuple<2>(std::declval<TU>()))>
  auto operator()(F f,std::tuple<T,U,V...>const&tu)->decltype((*this)(f,std::tuple_cat(std::tuple<FRONT>(std::declval<FRONT>()),std::declval<TAIL>()))){
    FRONT front=f(std::get<0>(tu),std::get<1>(tu));
    TAIL tail=popn_front_tuple<2>(tu);
    return operator()(f,std::tuple_cat(std::tuple<FRONT>(front),tail));
  template<typename F,typename T>
  constexpr auto operator()(F f,std::tuple<T>const&tu)->T{
    return std::get<0>(tu);
template<typename F,typename T>
constexpr auto foldl_tuple(F f,T&&t)->decltype(foldl_tuple_helper()(std::declval<F>(),std::forward<T>(std::declval<T>()))){
  return foldl_tuple_helper()(f,std::forward<T>(t));

A simple example is shown here:

  auto c=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5,6);
  cout<<"six factorial: "<<foldl_tuple(multiplies<int>(),c)<<endl;

The output is: six factorial: 720

Another example concatenating all elemnts into a string can be written as:

// concatenate arguments into a string
struct Concatenate2{
  template<typename T1,typename T2>
  string operator()(T1&&t1,T2&&t2){
    stringstream str;
    return str.str();
// fold tuple
auto b=make_tuple("one=",1," two=",2," five=",5);
cout<<"fold to strings: "<<foldl_tuple(Concatenate2(),b)<<endl;

Using fold to code tuple inner product

Just for fun, I'll write a function taking the inner product of two (or more) tuples. First I'll code two general functions for multiplying and adding elements:

// binary adder
struct binadd{
  template<typename T1,typename T2>
  constexpr auto operator()(T1&&t1,T2&&t2)->decltype(t1+t2){return t1+t2;}
// binary multiplier
struct binmul{
  template<typename T1,typename T2>
  constexpr auto operator()(T1&&t1,T2&&t2)->decltype(t1*t2){return t1*t2;}
// general adder
struct adder{
  constexpr auto operator()(T&&...t)->decltype(foldl_tuple(binadd(),maketuple()(std::forward<T>(t)...))){
    return foldl_tuple(binadd(),maketuple()(std::forward<T>(t)...));
// general multiplier
struct multiplier{
  constexpr auto operator()(T&&...t)->decltype(foldl_tuple(binmul(),maketuple()(std::forward<T>(t)...))){
    return foldl_tuple(binmul(),maketuple()(t...));

Next I'll code a function multiplying elements i of a a list of tuples and then summing the results up. Clearly the multiply and sum does not have to be the usual arithmetic operations. Here is the implementation:

// inner product of tuples 
template<typename ADDER,typename MULTIPLIER>
struct tuple_inner_product_helper{
  constexpr auto operator()(indlist<i...>const&,TU&&...tu)
    return foldl_tuple(ADDER(),maketuple()(apply_tuple(MULTIPLIER(),transform_tuples<i>(std::forward<TU>(tu)...))...));
template<typename ADDER=adder,typename MULTIPLIER=multiplier,typename T1,typename...T2,
         typename TD=typename std::decay<T1>::type,
         typename IL=typename make_indlist_from_tuple<TD>::type,
         typename HELPER=tuple_inner_product_helper<ADDER,MULTIPLIER>>
constexpr auto tuple_inner_product(T1&&t1,T2&&...t2)->decltype(HELPER()(IL(),std::forward<T1>(t1),std::forward<T2>(t2)...)){
  return HELPER()(IL(),std::forward<T1>(t1),std::forward<T2>(t2)...);

Yes, I know it looks pretty bad but the implementation is really easier to write than to read! However, I'm pretty sure that a simpler implementation can be written s folding. Again I'm too lazy to rewrite it so I'll stick to one above.

Here is a simple example:

  // do a inner product (1^4+2^4+...)
  auto w1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4);

Dealing with multiple tuples

So far I've only dealt with a single tuple at a time. I'll start off with a function which takes a list of tuples, picks one element from each tuple and passes them to a function:

// call a function passing one element from each of a set of tuples (control which elemnt using an indlist)
template<std::size_t...i,typename F,typename...T>
constexpr auto apply_elem_tuples(indlist<i...>const&,F f,T&&...t)->decltype(f(std::get<i>(std::forward<T>(t))...))
  return f(std::get<i>(std::forward<T>(t))...);

The function is useful when building a new tuple from the elements of a set of tuples. Here I'll build a new tuple by picking the second elements from a set of tuples:

// build a tuple by picking the second element from each tuple
auto x1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5,6);
auto x2=make_tuple(3,4,5,6,7);
auto x3=make_tuple(10,11);

The output is: [2 4 11 ]

Often we'll want to pick the same element from each tuple. Having a tailored function for this makes the task simpler:

// apply a function on the nth element of a list of tuples
template<std::size_t N,typename F,typename...T,typename IL=typename make_uniform_indlist<sizeof...(T),N>::type>
constexpr auto apply_nth_elem_tuples(F f,T&&...t)->decltype(apply_elem_tuples(IL(),f,std::forward<T>(t)...))
  return apply_elem_tuples(IL(),f,std::forward<T>(t)...);

The previous example can then be written as:

// build a tuple by taking the first element from a set of tuples
auto x1=make_tuple(1,2,3,4,5,6);
auto x2=make_tuple(3,4,5,6,7);
auto x3=make_tuple(10,11);

The output is again: [2 4 11 ]

Simplifying it even more I can write:

// pick one element in order from a set of tuples creating a new tuple
// (first elemnt is picked from first tuple at index specified by first index in indlist)
template<typename IL,typename...T,
         typename R=decltype(apply_elem_tuples(IL(),maketuple(),std::forward<T>(std::declval<T>())...))>
constexpr R transform_tuples(IL&&il,T&&...t)
  return apply_elem_tuples(std::forward<IL>(il),maketuple(),std::forward<T>(t)...);


indlists turns out to be critical when controlling tuple elements – the order in which they are passed to functions, which elements to select etc. Once a set of function are available for manipulating indlists manipulation of tuple elements works almost looks like magic.

A curious thing when writing meta functions is that most of the time it's easier to write the code than to read it and understand it afterwards. Maybe this is because the syntax is rather convoluted. As a consequence debugging meta functions is often a non-trivial task.

Writing a large set of meta functions becomes tiresome after a while. Hundreds of compiler errors for even minor bugs and the somewhat cryptically notation becomes exhausting when pounding the keyboard after midnight.

However, ones the decision has been taken to code in C++ there is not really any way out of learning meta programming techniques. It's pointless to code in C++ if only techniques from the 80s and 90s are used. Meta programming is here to stay – it's just a matter to decide if you want to be left behind or stay on the path C++ has taken. A valid question to ask is how much meta programming should be used in day to day work. Should it only be reserved for coding libraries or should it seep into application code?

The use of meta functions is simple enough. Using meta functions is often elegant and makes the tiresome work of coding them looking like a worthwhile endeavour. A question that lingers though is if the ratio between benefits and costs (in terms of frustration, anger and obsession trying to decipher compilation errors) is large enough to justify the type of work described in this blog entry?


  1. I've difficulty in understanding the point in using indlists. Not only do they introduce the most unreadable syntax into a piece of code, but they are also horrendously difficult to read and understand. Too put it bluntly, I simply don't see the point ...?

  2. I'll split the answer in 5 parts:

    The main point (in my view) of using indlists is to create a single utility for manipulating tuples as opposed to writing a special tuple function each time I want to do something to a tuple.

    As far as syntax is concerned, I don't see much problem. The syntax is plain C++11 syntax – no different from any other C++11 template code. Of course, one can argue that C++11 templates are ugly, hard to read and understand (which I don't agree with) , but that has nothing to do with indlists per see.

    An example of 'the point' of using indlists for manipulating tuples can be seen in the code I wrote for accessing an Oracle database using C++. Unfortunately, the the code in the blog does not use indlists. However, an updated version of the code at uses indlists making the code far simpler. Also, in the blog item which addresses a heterogeneous thread pool I use a function 'popn_front_tuple' which behind the scenes uses indlists. Of course, the 'popn_front_tuple' could have been written without indlists, but by using indlists I got the functionality 'for free'.

    I'm somewhat surprised that the question was about the use of indlists. - after all, indlists are just tools to make manipulation of tuples (and possibly other structures) simpler to use. I would have expected the question to be about 'why using tuples instead of building classes the 'normal way'. Even though this is a different issue I want to mention it. Tuples, even though simple on the surface, can introduce a very different way of programming – especially when it comes to purely algorithmic code. I don't 'have to' build classes to accomplish what I want, instead I can simply use tuples out of the box. The only thing I need to remember is what each slot in the tuple means. This can lead to far more compact code than the 'normal' way of coding while still maintaining compile time type safety.

    Last but not least, building constructs that at first does not make much sense is often fun. Aometimes it's also fun to code complicated things just for the simple reason that 'I can' do it :-)
